B.Sc.-I Student Induction Programme (2024-25)

Shri R.L.T. College of Science, Akola
Student Induction Programme
B.Sc.-I (2024-25)
15 to 22 July 2024 (11.00 am)
Students of B.Sc.-I are hereby informed that, college is going to organize “Student Induction Programme” from Monday, 15.07.2024 to Monday, 22.07.2024 at 11.00 am in Auditorium of Shri R.L.T. College of Science, Akola. It is compulsory for all the students to remain present for this programme.
During this programme detail information about the college, university, national education policy, choice based credit system, curriculum, syllabus, theory and practical classes, various academic, curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular activities, college infrastructure, laboratories, library facilities, girls hostel, code of conduct, dress code, vision, mission, scholarships, timetable, academic calendar, examination pattern, internal assessment, class test, seminars, assignments, certificate courses, games and sports, cultural activities, NSS, NCC, DMC, sky observation club, career katta, slow fast learner scheme, remedial coaching, competitive examination study centre, research facilities along with social ethics and human values will be given to the students.
Visits to laboratories of different departments, library will also be arranged during this programme, so as to get an idea about the working in laboratories and to avail library services. Some sports and cultural activities will also be conducted on this occasion.
You are informed to remain present for this programme.
Have a good day.
Shri R.L.T. College of Science, Akola

M.Sc.-I Year Admissions (2024-25)

B.Sc.-I Year Admissions (2024-25)
Admission Schedule & Instructions (1st Round)

General Merit List No. 1
Click here to download

College Prospectus (2024-25)
Click here to download (PDF File Size: 10.2MB)
Online Admission Form Filling Procedure
Click here to download (PDF File Size: 225kB)
Admission Form Link
Application (s) are invited for the post(s) of Assistant Professor(s) (Arts, Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences, Commerce, Education, Physical Education, Languages, Law, Journalism & Mass Communication, Library Science).
Click here to view details in PDF file.