Degree Distribution Programme
The degree distribution programme for the session of 2021-22 was conducted in our college. Glimpses of ceremony
The degree distribution programme for the session of 2021-22 was conducted in our college. Glimpses of ceremony
श्री रा.ल.तो. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय अकोला च्या प्रिन्सिपाल्स ब्रिगेड आपत्ती व्यवस्थापन कक्ष यांच्या आपत्ती विषयक जनजागृती व आपत्ती शोध बचाव कार्याची दखल घेत जिल्हाधिकारी कार्यालय अकोला तर्फे जिल्हाधिकारी महोदया निमा अरोरा यांचे हस्ते महाराष्ट्र दिन कार्यक्रमामध्ये सन्मानित करण्यात आले. महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य…
Author … Dr. Pradip P. Deohate Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry Teachers and Students … Please find herewith pdf copy of my new book “Organic Chemistry – An Approach to Systematic Study of Selected Topics Chemistry” published on 5th May…
The State level Award ceremony function on 25/04/2022 at SNDT University, Churchgate, Mumbai for the year 2019-20. Dr. Rashmi Joshi Sawalkar received Best Program Officer Award and Shri RLT College of Science, Akola was awarded as best NSS unit for…
Felicitation program of all the Diploma Holders in Sericulture and Astronomy accredited by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension The students were felicitated by the Hands of respected principal Dr. V. D. Nanoty. For the…
Falicitation of RLTain Ms. Shraddha Hatgaonkar First Merit in M.Sc. Chemistry from SGBAU Watch this video:
Publication of book – B.Sc.-III Practical Chemistry Author … Dr. Pradip P. Deohate Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry Respected Teachers and Students, Please find herewith pdf copy of my new book “B.Sc.-III Practical Chemistry” published on 8th March 2021 with…
Author… Dr. Pradip P. Deohate Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry Please find herewith pdf copy of book “Stereochemistry – Chemistry in Three Dimensions” published on National Science Day, 28th February 2021 with ISBN – 9789354267420. This book is incorporated with…
On 10January, 2020, The 14th Intercollegiate Research Convention Avishkar 2020 was conducted in Shri RLT College of Science, Akola. In this competition, Ku. Trupti Ugale, from M.Sc. II Mathematics, presented her project of “Comparative Analysis of Temperature using Steinhart-Hart Empirical…
On 10 January, 2020, The 14th Intercollegiate Research Convention Avishkar 2020 was conducted in Shri RLT College of Science, Akola. In this competition, Ku. Trupti Ugale, from MSc II Mathematics, presented her project of “Comparative Analysis of Temperature using Steinhart-Hart…
Ms. Kanchan Mangtani, student of MSc-II (PG) Department of Microbiology, Shri RLT College of Science, Akola, has stood on 1st merit position (Gold Medal) in MSc-II examination as declared by SGBAU, Amravati. Principal, Dr.V D Nanoty; HOD, Dr. U K…
Dr. Harish S. Malpani faculty of Department of Microbiology, Shri RLT College of Science,Akola got recongisation in the form of Award by Conservator of Forest (Wildlife) department , Government of Maharashtra for his contribution in wildlife conservation, protection and Education.
Happy to inform you all that today our college Department of Microbiology received Best Department award from Microbiologist Society India at the hands of Hon.Vice Chancellor R.T.M. University Nagpur Dr. Kane Sir. Thanks to our Management for Supporting us. Congratulations…
अमरावती येथे विद्याभारती कॉलेज मध्ये नुकतीच १ व २ फेब्रुवारी रोजी, युजीसीने स्पॉन्सर केलेली नॅशनल लेवल कॉन्फरेन्स (Emerging Trends in Science) घेण्यात आली. या मध्ये अकोल्याच्या रा.ल.तो. विज्ञान महाविद्यालयात बी.एस्सी. फायनल मध्ये शिकणाऱ्या यश विद्यासागर याने पोस्टर प्रेसेंटेशन मध्ये प्रथम क्रमांक पटकाविला.…
Summary of Minor Research Project Title of the Project: “In-vitro assessment of antimicrobial properties of Metal Nanoparticles against bacterial skin diseases” Download Link