Stereochemistry – Basic Concepts and Applications

Publication of Educational DVD …

Author …
Dr. Pradip P. Deohate
Associate Professor,
Department of Chemistry

This Educational DVD “Stereochemistry – Basic Concepts and Applications” published on 25th March 2021 with ISBN – 9789354570667 is incorporated with 13 videos related to the stereochemistry. In this DVD three dimensional illustrations, figures, representations and numbers of examples are incorporated to make the watching and reading quite interesting and understandable. Most of the basic aspects and concepts related to stereochemistry are covered in this DVD.

On the occasion of publication of this Educational DVD, author would like to place on record his deep sense of gratitude towards Hon’ble Adv. Motisingh G. Mohta Sir, President, Hon’ble Shri Pavan N. Maheshwari Sir, Honorary Secretary and Executive Members, The Berar General Education Society, Akola as well as Respected Principal Dr. Vijay D. Nanoty Sir for their blessings, kind support and encouragement to publish this DVD. Thanks are also due to Teaching and Non-Teaching staff members.