Avishkar Activity

Avishkar is a research festival organised every year in all universities. This year SGBAU Amravati university gave our college responsibility to conduct district level teachers/students workshop. Accordingly Avishkar Cell in collaboration with IQAC under the guidance of university Avishkar Cell organised district level workshop.

In this workshop, total 14 colleges and more than 200 students participated in this event. Total 4 sessions were conducted by the resourse persons from university.

First session was conducted by Dr. D.Y. Chacharkar, second session by Dr. R.D. Sarode, third by Dr. P.A. Gawande and Dr. Zia Khan and in forth session concluding programme conducted in presence of Dr. D.T. Ingole, director of Innovation and Incubation Linkages Center SGBAU Amravati University.

Avishkar activity conducted very nicely in our college. Congratulations to Dr. Poonam Agrawal coordinator and entire team Avishkar.