National Youth Day

Today on 12/01/22 “National Youth Day” the N.S.S. unit of Shri R.L.T. College of Science, Akola in association with Parent Teachers Association Committee & IQAC organized a workshop and an interactive session on “Nutrional Empowerment During Covid Pandemic” for parents and students. The Guest Speaker was Miss Sonal Kame Ambere, Assistant professor, Home Science, Smt. RDG College fir Women Akola. The workshop was organized for todays youth and the guest speaker guided them about healthy food n nutrition to keep them fit in this Covid Pandemic. About 209 student and parent participants had registered for the workshop. The interactive session was very good. Many students and parents discussed with the guest speaker about their doubts. Principal, Dr V. D. Nanoty presided the inaugural function and he guided the participants about the values and good things that, How the youth should be? The NSS program officer Dr. Rashmi Joshi, Coordinator of the Program, Dr. A. S. Sawarkar, coordinator of Parents teachers Association, Mr. Shailesh Jaiswal member of organizing committee took efforts and worked hard for the success of workshop. The interactive session was successful.