The District English Language Teachers’ Association, Akola (DELTA) organised the ‘ Tenth Annual Conference ‘ in collaboration with RLT College of Science, Akola and District Education Office, Akola, on Monday, 20th January 2020, in the auditorium of the College. The theme of the conference was ‘Know Thy Coursebook’.
Dr. Manjushree Sardeshpande was the keynote speaker of the conference. Dr. R.B. Heda, President of the BGE Society, presided over while Advocate Motisingh Mohta, Hon.Secy of the BGE Society, Prakash Mukund, District Education Officer, Akola, Prof. V.T. Hazare, Dr. Vijay Nanoty, Principal, Dr. Gajanan Malokar, President of DELTA, Prof Narendra Lakhade, Vice President of DELTA, and Dr. Pathak were the guests of honour at the programme.
In her keynote address, Dr. Mannushree Sardeshpande, spoke at length on the various features of the Std XI Coursebook. Her model lesson- Nose versus Eyes was highly appreciated by the audience.
Dr. Anagha Somwanshi conducted the program while Prof Madhav Ambhore proposed a vote of thanks.
As many as 120 English teachers of the district attended the conference.