Department of Botany
“Inter Collegiate Poster Exhibition cum Competition On Depletion Of Ozone Layer And Its Consequences”
On Monday, Dated: 16/09/2019 , Department of Botany, Environmental cell and IQAC organised “Inter Collegiate Poster Exhibition cum Competition On Depletion Of Ozone Layer And Its Consequences” on the occasion of Ozone day and Golden year celebration of the college
The morning session was start with registration total 60 students participants were registered for the competition and total 36 posters were display for the competition two students from each college were participated. The inauguration of the Poster competition event was inaugurated at the hands of Honourable Principal Dr. V.D. Nanoty Sir. On the occasion of Inaugural function Honourable Principal Chaired the programmed, introductory speech delivered by Prof. V.N. Badgujar (Head, Dept. of Botany), Judge for the Poster competition was Prof. Dr. V.S. Patil madam from Shri Shivaji college Akola, examined the posters and in her speech appreciate to each and every student for their skill of excellent poster presentation and awareness regarding depletion of ozone layer, Prof. Vidyasagar sir exhibited innovative equipment and guided to the students about the equipments which is very important to identify the quantity and level of pollutants in the environment.
In the last session of event Honourable Principal Sir delivered his remarkable presidential speech and guided students regarding importance of Ozone layer , awareness of Ozone layer and its should be inculcate by young generation. The programmed was conducted by Coordinator of the Poster competition Dr. Pramod Khadse and Mr. S.V. Madavi proposed vote of thanks and valuable help got from the Dr. Anjali Sangole madam for the success of event.
During the event winners in the poster competition was rewarded by cash prize and certificates, 3 prizes and 2 consolation prizes were rewarded to the students participants.
The results of “Inter Collegiate Poster Exhibition cum Competition On Depletion Of Ozone Layer And Its Consequences” for the students of B.Sc. III are as given bellow
First Prize : Ku. Pallavi Mahadeo Sonone
( Shri RLT College of Science, Akola)
Second Prize : Ku Rupali Sanjay Solanke
( Shri RLT College of Science, Akola)
Third Prize : 1) Ku. Gayatri Vijay Dhomble
2) Ku. Asawari S. Waghare
( Shri RLT College of Science, Akola)
First Consolation Prize : Ku. Aakankasha Dongardive
(Shri Shivaji College, Chikhali)
Second Consolation Prize : 1)Shri. Gaurav R. Dhabale
2) Shri. Shrikant G. Verulkar
3) Shri. Navin K. Girhe
(Shri. Shivaji College Akola)