Department of Botany
“Inter collegiate Plant Anatomy Diagram competition,”
On Friday,13th September 2019 For B.Sc. II Sem III On the Occasion of
Golden Jubilee Year Celebration
The morning session began with registrations for the event. The Holy Basil Club of Botany Department of Shri R.L.T. College of Science Akola organized an “Inter collegiate Plant Anatomy Diagram competition,” on 14th Sept.2019 in the Botany Laboratory at 12:30 pm. The Sixty Three students was participated in this competition from the different colleges across the city. Head department of Botany Mrs Vaishali Badgujar give the Introductory speech in the Competition. The event was judged by the very experienced senior faculty member Dr. Pratiksha S. Kokate, Head department of Botany Shri Shivaji Science College Akola college. The judges was impressed by observing the drawing skill of differentiation of plant tissues of most of the students and found it very difficult to decide the 3 winners. The Principal Dr. V. D. Nanoty sir motivated and boosted the moral of the students and presented the cash prizes and certificates. Overall it was a very good experience and a good exposure for all the students who participated.
The results of “Inter collegiate Plant Anatomy Diagram competition” for the students of B.Sc. II Sem III are as given below:
First position: Ku. Aishwarya Sonone Shri R.L.T. College of Science , Akola
Second position: Ku. Darshana Tapare Shri R.L.T. College of Science , Akola
Third position: Ku. Aishwarya Punse Shri R.L.T. College of Science , Akola
1st Consolation prize Sankalp Gajghate Shri Shivaji Science, Akola
2nd Consolation prize Ashwini Bolwankar Shri R.L.T. College of Science , Akola